Music awards nominations
We are happy to announce that these albums we released last year were nominated for the Czech Music Academy Awards for 2024:
Vladimír Mišík: Vteřiny měsíce a roky - in the category Best Album and Best Artist
Irena a Vojtěch Havlovi: Four Hands - in the category of Alternative Music and Electronica
Hlaskontrabas Oktet: Kaleidoscapes - in the category of Jazz
Alf Carlsson/Jiří Kotača Quartet: Our Stories - in the category of Jazz
Vladimír Mišík was also nominated for the Czech Music Critics' Awards Apollo in the categories Best Album and Best Artist and is the winner of the yearly poll announced by Milan Tesař and Radio Proglas. The album by Irena and Vojtěch Havel was nominated for the Vinyla Awards.
And, last but not least, Kaleidoscapes album was praised by music critics' poll announced by Czech Radio Jazz.
The partners of Animal Music to which goes
our big thank-you!